An apology to the world’s knitters


    Ok, Laurie. After your insightful comments to my original knitting post, I agree: knitting is a sport.

    There. I said it.

    I was doing some research on the notion of knitting as sport. Recreational activity? Yes. Sport? I was still skeptical.

    For starters, there are tons of knitting blogs out there (and if you blog about it, it must be real). Here’s how blogger Elinor of Lawrence, Kansas sums it up in her blog:

    I’m a graduate student and new mother who spends her free time knitting. I find that knitting is such a powerful addiction that its presence in my life must be tightly controlled. As a procrastinator, I’ve always fought off the temptation to knit instead of work. Often, knitting projects threaten my exercise time as well. Because I am committed to living an active life, this is not acceptable so the rule is EXERCISE BEFORE KNITTING.

    And then there’s this piece in the April 2007 issue of Blue Ridge Outdoors where the writer goes as far as to claim that “knitting is the new yoga.” Namaste.

    Still not convinced? This entry makes reference to “hardcore knitters” and “extreme sports knitting.” Knitting on a half-pipe. Can’t wait to see that.

    Furthermore, if knitting were not a sport, would it have it’s own Olympics?

    I think not.

    – YS


    1. You are truly humble and gracious. I can now bury the hatchet and the knitting needles and rest easy, content in the knowledge that the knitters of the world have been vindicated.

      Peace be with you.



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