Augusta : State Police Investigating Fatal Crash : Additional Details Via CBS-19


Parkersburg Turnpike
Augusta County, VA

Via VSP:

“At 4:17 p.m., Saturday (Feb. 18), Virginia State Police Trooper J.S. Martin responded to a two-vehicle crash in Augusta County. The crash occurred in the 400 block of Parkersburg Turnpike.

A U.S. Postal Service truck was traveling west on Parkersburg Turnpike, when it made a U-turn in the road and collided with an eastbound 2000 Harley-Davidson Roadster.

The motorcyclist, Bill F. Claytor Jr., of Staunton, 33, Va., was transported to Augusta Health, where he died a short time later.

The driver of the mail truck, Joseph T. Jackson, 51, of Staunton, Va., was not injured in the crash.

Jackson was charged with failure to yield the right of way. The crash remains under investigation.

Corinne N. Geller
Public Relations Director
Virginia State Police”


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