Rockfish Valley Community Center Begins Construction On Blue Mountain Pavilion Project

Photo courtesy pf RVCC: Volunteers began the process this week of what will eventually become the Blue Mountain Pavilion.
Photo courtesy pf RVCC: Volunteers began the process this week of what will eventually become the Blue Mountain Pavilion.
Photo courtesy pf RVCC: Volunteers began the construction this week of what will eventually become the Blue Mountain Pavilion.

Afton / Greenfield
Nelson County, Virginia

After months of preparation the Blue Mountain Pavilion Project is underway at Rockfish Valley Community Center. It’s a joint effort with the Building Goodness Foundation. Once completed the pavilion will be a place to “provide a protected outdoor performance venue for events large and small,” says Mandi Smack, Blue Mountain Brewery’s co-founder.

Project coordinators are also looking for volunteers to help with the project.

“Work days are scheduled for April 23, 24, and April 30, and we could use some help. Whether you swing a mean hammer or sling a mean burger, we need you! Please let us know if you can help out at any time on any of these days. 434-361-0100 or email”

Below, more pics from RVCC’s Facebook album as the project begins. Very exciting!


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