Large Crowd Turns Out : Music for the Mountains Festival To Oppose Pipeline

©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By Woody Greenberg : Robin & Linda Williams of Augusta County took to the stage at Devils Backbone Brewing Saturday afternoon - July 18th as part of Music for the Mountains Festival to help raise funds and awareness against the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline that would go right through Nelson & Augusta Counties as well as others nearby.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By Woody Greenberg : Robin & Linda Williams of Augusta County took to the stage at Devils Backbone Brewing Saturday afternoon - July 18th as part of Music for the Mountains Festival to help raise funds and awareness against the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline that would go right through Nelson & Augusta Counties as well as others nearby.
©2015 Blue Ridge Life Magazine : Photo By Woody Greenberg : Robin & Linda Williams of Augusta County took to the stage at Devils Backbone Brewing Saturday afternoon – July 18th as part of Music for the Mountains Festival to help raise funds and awareness against the proposed Atlantic Coast Pipeline that would go right through Nelson & Augusta Counties as well as others nearby.

Nelson County, Virginia

A huge crowd turned out for the Music for the Mountains Festival held on the grounds at Devils Backbone Brewing in Roseland this past Saturday. A wide range of entertainers hit the stage including: Trees on Fire, The Will Overman Band, The Sally Rose Band, Gene and Gayla Mills – and a special appearance by Robin and Linda Williams.

Beautiful Saturday afternoon for the Music for the Mountains Festival to help raise funds to oppose the ACP through the region. Photos By Shay Munroe & Woody Greenberg.

Posted by Blue Ridge Life Magazine on Sunday, July 19, 2015

From all accounts the event was a huge success.


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