Nelson: Firemen Battle Truck Fire On Route 151 In Greenfield

Photos Courtesy of Marcel McNicoll : Fire crews from the Rockfish Valley FD and nearby areas help put out a truck fire that happened at the corner of Route 151 and Chapel Hollow Road in Afton Thursday night - September 18, 2014 around 8:30 PM.
Photos Courtesy of Marcel McNicoll : Fire crews from the Rockfish Valley FD and nearby areas help put out a truck fire that happened at the corner of Route 151 and Chapel Hollow Road in Afton Thursday night - September 18, 2014 around 8:30 PM.
Photos Courtesy of Marcel McNicoll : Fire crews from the Rockfish Valley FD and nearby areas help put out a truck fire that happened at the corner of Route 151 and Chapel Hollow Road in Afton Thursday night – September 18, 2014 around 8:30 PM.

Nelson County, VA

Drivers headed down Route 151 of the Rockfish Valley in Nelson got quite the surprise around the Greenfield area of Afton when a truck caught fire near the corner at Chapel Hollow Road. “Danielle and I filled up the first +-10 buckets of water before the fire trucks showed up,” Marcel McNicoll told us by email Thursday night. He and his wife Danielle own and operate Le Blue Ridge B&B in Afton/Greenfield.

Scary moments Thursday evening - September 18, 2014 around 8:30 when this truck caught fire on Route 151 in Afton / Greenfield.
Scary moments Thursday evening – September 18, 2014 around 8:30 when this truck caught fire on Route 151 in Afton / Greenfield.

Firemen were able to get the blaze under control relatively quickly.

No other details were available as of this post.


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