Nelson 151 Launches New App For Smartphones

©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos By BRL Photographer Shay Munroe : Developers of the new Nelson 151 smartphone app discuss details this past Thursday evening - August 28, 2014 at Veritas Vineyard & Winery in Afton, VA. The app was officially unveiled Thursday evening.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos By BRL Photographer Shay Munroe : Developers of the new Nelson 151 smartphone app discuss details this past Thursday evening - August 28, 2014 at Veritas Vineyard & Winery in Afton, VA. The app was officially unveiled Thursday evening.
©2014 Blue Ridge Life : Photos By BRL Photographer Shay Munroe : Developers of the new Nelson 151 smartphone app discuss details this past Thursday evening – August 28, 2014 at Veritas Vineyard & Winery in Afton, VA. The app was officially unveiled at the event.

Nelson County, VA

George Hodson of Afton, Virginia hosted a celebratory event at Veritas Winery, presenting the new 151 App that is available for iPhone and Android. This new app allows travelers and locals to access information easily on the hours, recommendations, locations etc. of the local breweries, wineries, distilleries and more on 151 in Afton, Virginia.

View lots more of Shay’s photos from the Thursday Veritas event by clicking on our Facebook album above.

Congrats to Nelson 151, way cool!!


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