Blue Ridge Parkway: Wintergreen & Montebello Rope Teams Assist Park Service At 20 Minute Cliff

™©2013 BlueRidgeLife : Photos By BRLM Mountain Photographer Paul Purpura : Crews from Wintergreen Rescue & Montebello Rescue are on the Blue Ridge Parkway Thursday evening preparing for a possible rope rescue at 20 Minute Cliffs.

Blue Ridge Parkway
20 Minute Cliff
Nelson County, VA

Wintergreen Fire & Rescue Chief Curtis Sheets confirms to BRLM Thursday evening that his agency along with Montebello Fire & Rescue were called to 20 Minute Cliff along the Blue Ridge Parkway. “Montebello provided manpower and an ambulance, we provided a rope team & equipment,” Chief Sheets told us around 6PM Thursday evening.

Members of Wintergreen Fire & Rescue along with Montebello Fire & Rescue prepare ropes at 20 Minute Cliff along the BRP. Thursday Evening – June 13, 2013

“We were requested by the National Park Service. They were looking for a person. A vehicle was parked at that area. They needed help checking the base of the cliffs,” Chief Sheets continued.

Chief Sheets told us around 6:40 PM Thursday the person was found and okay elsewhere in the park.


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