Stone Soup hosts Lynn Coffey author of “Backroads”


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Book signing with Lynn Coffey author of “Backroads: Plain Folk and Simple Livin”’ and “Hot Milk Cake” samples
For 25 years, Lynn published the monthly country newspaper “Backroads” from her home in Love, Virginia. Now she brings together some of the best stories, recipes, and photos for her new book. As bestselling author Brad Herzog writes, “Backroads is a treasure trove of mountain lore, mountain humor, mountain history, mountain interests, and mountain concerns. But mostly, it is a loving account of mountain people.” Bestselling authors Jan Karon (of the Mitford novels) and Earl Hamner (of The Waltons) have also added their voices to the chorus of rave reviews for Lynn’s work.

Come on by and join us for this special event, and try some delicious “Hot Milk Cake,” an old Virginia recipe from Lynn’s book that Chef Laura will be preparing!

Event Date: Saturday 6th of March 2010 02:00 PM

Location/Address: 908 W Main St Waynesboro VA

Contact Telephone Please call 540-943-0084 for more information


  1. The People

    There are people, and then there are
    Lynn Coffey’s people.
    The former is generic. All you need understand
    Is they are composed of common characteristics.
    But the people are unique,
    And in the case of Lynn Coffey’s people,
    They inhabit a totally believable but enchanted land.
    Of course, seemingly ordinary houses are there,
    And country stores, gristmills, and churches,
    Most of which, in simple their ways,
    Most of the time, border on the sublime.

    But what is most unique about these structures
    Is that they are frozen in time.
    And when the Coffey and the Fitzgerald,
    And the Burgess families get together on holidays,
    The people are vibrantly alive—
    But more than half of them are not.
    They are the spirits of the beloved departed
    Who have come to cast their memorable,
    Though intangible victuals, into the bubbling pot.

    And in that nostalgic time, there was no television,
    And the people
    Wouldn’t have been watching it anyway.
    For the talking and stories they shared
    Was all the entertainment they needed that day.

    So I hope that Lynn Coffey’s old time people
    Can fend off the assault of bland modernity.
    And for this, I fervently pray.

    D. B. Clark

    Use this poem any why you like
    Don Clark


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