Earl Hamner Returns Home To Nelson In November : 10.21.09

©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Earl Hamner, Jr. during his last appearance at the Nelson County theater named in his honor. March 2007.
©2009 www.nelsoncountylife.com : Earl Hamner, Jr. during his last appearance at the Nelson County theater named in his honor. March 2007.

Nelson County, Virginia

Reception and Reading with Earl Hamner at the Hamner Theater Thursday, Nov. 5 from 6:00 p.m.

The Hamner Theater is hosting an evening with renowned author (and Nelson County native) Earl Hamner on Thursday, November 5th. There will be a reception and book-signing from 6:00pm to 7:00pm. At 7:30p.m., Earl Hamner will read from his beloved Christmas story, The Homecoming. He will be joined by the cast from the upcoming production of The Homecoming (on stage at the Hamner from November 19 to December 13). Admission for this benefit is $50, which includes reception, book-signing and reading. All proceeds will go to the Hamner Theater. Seating is limited, call 434 361 1999 for reservations.

Click on poster above for larger version and more details.
Click on poster above for larger version and more details.

About Earl Hamner: Best-selling author Earl Hamner is well-known as the creator of a television series which drew as many as 50 million American viewers every Thursday night; THE WALTONS remains in syndication, and has aired in nearly every country around the world. It is perhaps less widely-known that his TV adaptation of HEIDI once bumped off the air a pivotal late-season pro-football game between the Raiders and the Jets. (The score was tied with 2 minutes to go.) Born in 1923, in Nelson County, Earl Hamner is also the author of six novels, including the best-seller, “Spencer’s Mountain”, which was made into a film starring Henry Fonda and Maureen O’Hara. His work has been awarded an Emmy as well as the most prestigious honor in broadcast journalism, the George Foster Peabody Award. He is the recipient of no less than six Christopher Awards, an award established to ‘salute media that affirm the highest values of the human spirit; award winners encourage audiences to see the better side of human nature and motivate artists and the general public to use their best instincts on behalf of others.’

About the Hamner Theater: The Hamner Theater, a non-profit project of the Rockfish Valley Community Center in Nelson County, receives funding from the Virginia Commission for the Arts, the Donovan Foundation, the Perry Foundation and anonymous donors to support its mission of bringing professional theater to Nelson County and to foster new works for the stage.


What – Reception and Reading
Who – Earl Hamner and The Cast of The Homecoming
Where – The Hamner Theater, at the Rockfish Valley Community Center, 190 Rockfish School Lane Nellysford, VA
When – Thursday, November 5 from 6:00 p.m.
Reception 6:00 – 7:00p.m., Reading 7:30 – 8:30p.m.
Tickets – $50 (tax-deductible)
Information 434 361 1999 or www.hamnertheater.com


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