Cold & Wintry Weather Return Soon

©2009 NCL Magazine : Thawing ice on the Tye River near Montebello, Virginia
©2009 NCL Magazine : Thawing ice on the Tye River near Montebello, Virginia

Nelson County, Virginia
The weekend ended up very nice for the 1st day of February, but several changes are on the way as we start the the new month. Warmer temps have allowed much of the ice from a few days ago to thaw nicely like the shot above from the Tye River near Montebello, Virginia. Much colder weather is front and center over the next 48 hours as well as a shot at some possible snow.

Thankfully no below 0° temps like those we saw about 10 days ago. A friend and former TV weather colleague of mine back in KY, Lew Jetton, is still without power after the most recent ice storm that slightly affected us here in Nelson. It could be up to three weeks before they get power back in places. It is a serious situation there and in several other areas close by.

All of the details over in Tommy’s Weather or by playing the audio version to your right just below the temperature panel.



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