So Long Sue, Russ & Mary : Spruce Creek Gallery Goes Out In Style!

©2008-2009 NCL Magazine : Spruce Creek Gallery in Nellysford, Virginia closes this weekend after 12 years in business.
©2008-2009 NCL Magazine : Spruce Creek Gallery in Nellysford, Virginia closes this weekend after 12 years in business.

Nellysford – Nelson County, Virginia
Nelson County will be a little more empty after this weekend. People who we are lucky enough to call friends, are closing the doors on Spruce Creek Gallery after 12 years of business in the old Wintergreen Country Store just south of Nellysford on Route 151. This ever changing economy has not been kind to lots of folks. It’s tough out there. But I always thought when I made my jaunt toward Wintergreen or Roseland, or Piney River, that I could look to the left and see Sue working away inside at Spruce Creek.

I first got to know Sue Bernard within weeks of our move to Nelson County back in 2004. Sue was part of NAMA at the time. (Nellysford Area Merchant’s Association) We were members of NAMA at the same time and became great friends over the coming years. I knew I liked Sue when I saw the Apple Computer sitting on her desk! We are a rare breed, and even more rare a few years ago! I always enjoyed stopping in and chatting it up with Sue. We talked about current events, family, money, great wines and beer, just life. It made my day seem more full when I got to chat it up with Sue in her gallery as she waited on customers.

Mary Reid (left) co-owner of Spruce Creek Gallery and Sue Bernard, the founder of the gallery wait on customers in 2007. Ask Sue about the sling!
Mary Reid (left) co-owner of Spruce Creek Gallery and Sue Bernard, the founder of the gallery wait on customers in 2007. Ask Sue about the sling!

A few months later I became friends with Russ and Mary Reid who became co-owners of the gallery. Talk about some go getters! These folks have done so much to help Nelson County. Sue started the annual tradition of holding a fundraiser for Blue Ridge Medical Center’s Rural Health Outreach Program. When Russ and Mary came along, they jumped right in and never missed a beat to help make it even better!

Russ Reid, far right, chats it up with customers at a past art show in Spruce Creek Gallery.
Russ Reid, far right, chats it up with customers at a past art show in Spruce Creek Gallery.

I must admit, I am art ignorant. But Sue never made me feel inferior just because I didn’t. She always helped to teach me about art. And I learned lots about it from going in Spruce Creek.

Customers stop to look over a recent local art display at Spruce Creek.
Customers stop to look over a recent local art display at Spruce Creek.

Sue, Russ and Mary, have put their heart, soul, and pocketbooks into Spruce Creek. It’s been a great ride and Nelson County is better off 12 years later for their contribution. They aren’t leaving our community, only closing the doors on the gallery. Knowing them as I do, they will continue to be strong supporters of RHOP which is working on their spring fundraiser for Spring 2009 now. And we will continue to see them all around the area. Sue even has some plans to continue an art gallery in some form in the coming months.

On Saturday at 3PM the trio will be holding a Thank You Celebration. If you know Sue, you know anything for a party! Seriously, it’s a way to say thanks and to old and new faces as they work toward closing. Show your thanks by dropping by and visiting on this very special occasion.

Sue, I’ll bring the hamburgers!

Best of luck to you all!

Here’s the latest info on Saturday’s Thank You Celebration sent to us by the gallery:

We would like to remind you that you are invited to a party this Saturday to celebrate the 12 wonderful years of the Spruce Creek Creek Gallery. The party will take place from 3 until 5 pm and we hope that you will be able to stop by and visit and meet some of the artists. We would also like to thank you for all the support that you have shown the gallery these past 12 years. So many of our customers and artists have become our friends that we didn’t want to close without acknowledging that.

We are expecting quite a few people to attend so we would like to ask you to please park in the field behind the gallery. You get there by turning left on Glenthorne Loop and then turning left at the entrance to the Riverside Nursery. You will see other cars parked there and we will put up signs. Then you just walk over the bridge and there you are!

All of the art in gallery will still be for sale and we will have a discount for cash and checks (if you want to be prepared). This will be one last opportunity to support the artists.

Also, since we are closing, all the fixtures will be for sale so you might find an odd this or that that you can’t live without. See you Saturday!

Sue, Mary and Russ

Spruce Creek Gallery
POB 434
1368 Rockfish Valley Highway
Nellysford, VA 22958



  1. It’s so sad to see another gallery go down. This economic crunch is going really affecting the arts. What a shame.

  2. Dear Friends: I am writing from Albuquerque – just learning of this news about Spruce Creek Gallery. I was actually looking up a couple of artists names when this popped up. Kind regards to all my fellow artisans from VA. Let’s always remember — when one door closes another opens. I hope to find all of you somewhere in my future visits back to VA!


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