BREAKING : Route 151 on Brent’s Mountain : With Photo : OPEN Cleared


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Our BIG thanks to Bill Chappell for sending us this photo of the truck across the road on Brent’s Mountain. Excellent Bill, we appreciate you sending it on!

Photography By Bill Chappell
For Nelson County Life Magazine ©2008
Truck Blocks Highway Going Up Brent’s Mountain
Roseland, Virginia

Chappell Truck Stuck

Click on map above to enlarge.
The above area blocked is the squiggly part of Route 151 also (Rockfish / Patrick Henry Highway Highway) that heads up Brent’s Mountain.

Updated: 10:56 AM
Crews are making progress on getting the road open. Passenger cars can get by very carefully with one lane open. Larger commercial vehicles are still being stopped from travel up or down the mountain.

Update: 10:11 AM EDT
Authorities have the road blocked at 664 & 151 (Ski Barn) and on top of the mountain headed north while crews work to clear the highway. The truck has not wrecked but lost control on ice.

NCL has confirmed that Route 151 on Brent’s Mountain is totally blocked by a tractor trailer that lost control on the road and has now blocked the road.

Wintergreen Fire Department and other agencies are on the scene as well as VDOT attempting to clear the road.

More updates to follow.


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